Thursday, May 14, 2015

Violet Kantele Universum 6

 This is the last episode of the series. If there were more, it would look like until now. Other plans, probably even more important, also wait for realization. But they are partly connected to this project, so it's possible to see them also somewhere else. I'm not doing everything myself, many things couldn't be possible to achieve without help of more or less close people. In VKU dad and aunt were mostly helpful, but some others also, including plush-toy.

Plush-toy can be seen in some pictures. It looks like he could play some instruments and is interested in it. I play more guitar than keyboard, but anyway not enough to make whole compositions :-( Maybe someday I'll make it, but lacks of ideas and components that often break down may make it impossible :-/ I'm trying to make myself feeling ok with it.
Sometimes repairing of some elements helps. This time I'm trying to fit some of them to the system in a way they could work together. For example, to make loudspeakers, that I make with my dad once, get to work, I need to repair a plug to it. I wouldn't start the keyboard without laptop with some computer programs and cables. It is better with the guitar, on which I can play without connecting, but I should find a cable anyway.

To make any compositions it's also needed minimum one to few instruments. I have two, but I'm trying to write notes for 4-5 instruments in the way, which every of them could be noticed at one time. In a picture there can be seen a part of a score of one of best riffs I was possible to imagine. It fit more or less to other riffs imagined by me or someone else who likes similar style.
Ok, that's it. It seems that plush toy also wants, heh, or would like to do something else :-) Smartly avoid translations to english, german and swedish, but I need it for this project, so probably I'll take care of it today or tomorrow. Then it's needed to put the text and photos on server in a proper way and I'll match the project as finished :-) So, bye then :-)

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Violet Kantele Universum 5

There will be 6 episodes probably. I rather won't be able to write some more. All the time there are more important things to do, so I shouldn't take care of it too long. I try to describe some things I've been doing recently and more or less fit this project. Picture of a plush toy is one of them. I wanted it to be a gift for a girl, but I don't have a good enough contact with her anymore, so it stayed by me. Looks nice on blue background, but is not in a good mood all the time :-(
         Most difficult thing to do was an electronic circuit for gloves, heh. Efect is similar to these in guitar and keyboard. Looks nice, it works well mostly, but there is always something that can brake down :-/ I'm not fixing some of these things again, they just are in use systematicaly. But now it's possible to connect them somehow.

Some of these looks used too much, but I'm still repairing them. I use guitar the most, so I made some elements to it too - paper labels with names of standard notes helps a little to find write notes, but whole guitar is getting more old and it doesn't look too good now :-/. It's harder to connect it to another electronic devices, so I usually play it like it was a classical guitar.

        I got also some more problems with translating texts to other languages, so this time I put some more pictures. There wasn't too many in the first episode, so I'm trying to do it now. Some of them are looking useless, but they are here, because they are connected with other projects and repairings, which I have to do, for example light at home, broken shoes or planning another things to do.

           I don't have enough time for everything, most of them are getting me tired and are stressful, but I have to do them somehow. If there is an equality between hard and easy things, it is usually possible. Sometimes I can rest a bit, watch it from the distance and find better solutions. Then I can be proud of myself and looks like on the main picture on this site :-) Ok, now I have to do translations and another episode in some time.